
Monday, August 5, 2013

18 Things To Watch With Your Younger Siblings (that don't make you want to kill yourself)

As a teenager, I understand that movie night with your younger siblings can be torturous.  There's only so much animation that you can take before you kind of want to shoot yourself.  But fear not, fellow teens (and parents, too): here are fifteen movies and TV shows that you can watch with your younger siblings that will not make you suicidal!

18.  Toy Story/Monster's Inc./Nemo/Ratatouille/Up etc.

The Pixar classics.  These movies are always going to be cute and funny no matter your age.

17.  Megamind

Yes, I know.  But bear with me on this one.  Let me just say: Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, and Jonah Hill.  Still doubtful?

16.  Rango

I know, you doubt this one too.  But Johnny Depp.  This is one of the weirdest kid's movies I have ever seen and I would totally watch it again.

15. Fantastic Mr. Fox

This movie is just plain cute.  Everything from the animation, to the story, to the voices are just adorable.

14. How To Train Your Dragon

Clever, cute, funny.  Watch it.

13.  Bedtime Stories 

The picture basically summarizes this movie.

12. Despicable Me

I'm more excited to see the second than either of my younger brothers.  And if you haven't seen Steve Carell being Gru on Ellen you need to go watch it now.

10.  Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This one is a little bit stupid but kind of great in the same way.

9.  My Neighbor Totoro

I'm not entirely convinced this movie is not actually meant for teens, not kids.  Either way I loved watching it.

8.   High School Musical

Come on, just admit it.  It's impossible to not like High School Musical.

7.  Wizards of Waverly Place

I am am happy and unembarrassed to watch this by myself.

6.  Hugo

This isn't even a guilty pleasure thing - this was a really, really good movie.

5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (newest version)

This is a freaking weird movie.  And I love it.  (Also...Johnny Depp and baby Freddie Highmore.)

4.  Avatar: The Last Airbender (tv show!)

Yes, really.  Bear with me here...I truly love this show.  It's so good.  Just steer far clear of the movie.

3.  Alice in Wonderland (newest version)

One of my favorite books, this blog's namesake, my favorite installment of the movie, amazing cast, possibly my favorite film score of all time.  Watch it!

2.  Adventure Time

I'm still not entirely sure this show is actually meant for kids, not teenagers.  It's some of the craziest stuff I have ever seen and you need to go watch it.

1.  Phineas and Ferb

I can't even describe this show other than to say that it is perfection.  My whole family watches it together.  I promise, it's not just another kids show.  It is BRILLIANT.

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